by A&T HVAC | Feb 23, 2023 | HVAC, Heating and Cooling Tips
To avoid costly furnace repairs and breakdowns, here are 5 things to check when your furnace doesn’t turn on. When you have a broken appliance in your home, it can be disheartening and make you wonder what to do. It is important to remember that some elements...
by A&T HVAC | Feb 9, 2023 | HVAC, Heating and Cooling Tips
If your air conditioner uses R22 Freon, what will this mean for you? Air conditioners require refrigerant or Freon to function. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) such as R22 (also known as HCFC-22) are widely used to cool homes and offices. If your AC is slightly over a...
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